Oh, please don't fret....all of my children are present and accounted for, no one is missing in action. I am referencing the
Minneapolis Institute of Art in my title. (oh my goodness!!! I did it! I put a link on my page. yes, i know it's not rocket science, but yippie! I've never done that before.)
For months I have wanted to take my mini herd to MIA. We were almost there once, my courage was high, getting everyone dressed and ready. All in the van, ready to go, things start going downhill......(anyone with children knows what the '......' means here) soon everyone was crying, including me, so everyone out of the van, back inside. I didn't think it would have been a wise choice to go. I know, my discernment is remarkable.
So this past Saturday, dreary and wet and Sean was hunting, I said 'Today is the day." I wanted to get out of the house and MIA is free so the planning began. Snacks, diapers, water, stroller, duct tape...no, just kidding, we didn't bring any water. A few minutes before we left Sean called and said he was on his way home and I told him what we were doing, and since I was pretty sure going to an Art Museum wasn't on his list of the top 10,00o (according to him) things he wants to do after sitting in a deer stand for 4 hours I gave him the option of coming or staying home and thankfully he said he would go.
Successfully all in the van, driving to our destination, the questions start:
'Is this the museum with the boat you can drive?' 'No.'
'Is this the museum with the dinosaurs?' 'No.'
'Is this the museum with the big things to climb on?' 'No.'
'Is this the museum with the musical stairs?' 'N0.'
'Is this the museum where Jake had his birthday? I love that museum.' 'No.'
'Is this the museum where we can dress up and pretend we......?'
'No. No. No. No. We are not going to either museum of which you are speaking. As a matter of fact at our museum today we just walk around and look at stuff and you can't touch anything!!!'
'oh...yes mom.'
I am please to say that we ALL had a marvelous time! For the first time in an Art Museum I was very pleased with the way the kids acted. And surprisingly we only had two snickers from Evy because Mr. Winky was present on some of the sculptures and one 'Hey Mom, look at his buns!' from my quiet little flower Nora (which of course the sculpture was in a room with a vaulted ceiling and marble everything and it echoed like crazy).
The kids loved it and I can't wait to take them back!