27 June 2010


In church today we sat in a new spot. My sister and her family are in town so we sat with her and my parents. They were going to sit in my parents' 'regular' spot, but it must have been occupied by some brave soul unaware as to where they just placed their derrieres or there may not have been enough room for all of us. So we sat in the right middle section instead of in the balcony, which is where we usually sit (less distraction with the littles if an exit is needed). It's funny how a different spot in church can change perspective on the sermon on the worship even who is surrounding you -as most people sit in the same place- familiar faces, unfamiliar faces, friends can impact the experience.
Today I was hit with the line, as usual, in the Chris Tomlin song
'you see the depths of my heart and you love me the same'.
That amazed me today. My heart is so awfully black and sinful. Filled with selfishness and desires at times that if people knew what they were it would make them wonder about my walk with Christ. Why would He do that? Why would He still love me after seeing that garbage? And the kicker is, I will never be different until the Day He returns. Until the Day He makes me truly perfect.
Julie Ann

1 comment:

  1. we sat in the same spot as usual.
    Your little Evy kept watching my two oldest. It was darling.
    Tomlin has been very good lately.
