24 June 2010

The internet has everything!!!

This is going to be a short post because it's so late and I am really tired.

I needed to run tonight and was planning on doing 2.5, and I was pretty sure I could do it and not hate it too much. I got a challenge to go 3 and I ended up running 3.5 and I felt great and I didn't do any walking! So I basically did tonight what I need to do next Saturday. I am thrilled. Now if I can only find someone to run, *and actually it's more like a slow run quick walk sort of jog but to save space and reading time I will just call it running, in exact step with me wearing a DVD player strapped to their back so I can watch a movie while I run* I think I'll have a great race!! I bet they make a DVD player holder backpack someplace on the internet. Yes! They do.


  1. 3.5!!!!! You are a machine! So proud of you, friend, and I can't wait to cheer you on next weekend :-)

  2. This is such a great post. I've got one of those packs among my collection.
    Was this your furthest run yet.
    A little race advice whether you want it or not:
    • taper this week (don't run anything above 3)
    • during the race, don't get caught up in the "first mile rush." Start out slow, and strong.
    • run the race so that you enjoy all of it.
