29 June 2010

Why I am glad I am a stay at home Momma.

Today as I was doing laundry I started to consider the idea of a 'series' on my blog. Not necessarily every post, but maybe once a week just a little bullet point something. It really didn't take me that long to figure out what to write about. To think of a subject that would always bring up interesting and new 'material'. The thought came to be while I was in the hallway and I could hear two little ones sitting in the bath tub having a conversation, or really role playing the following:

'Im going to eat you!!'
'Oh no, please save me. Luke!'
'You are going into the hot lava!'
'Don't worry princess i'll save you'
(Please infer appropriate voice inflections and pitch with each line).

I looked at the clock and it was 9:45am. I thought, if I were a working mom I would have missed this. I would be in a sales meeting right now or on a conference call. I wouldn't be able to give my kids the opportunity to play like this in the tub. If I were working bath time would come after school/daycare/work/dinner/homework/chores and before bed, which when you think about the in between time it leaves like 5 minutes right?

So starting right now I will about once a week be posting:
Why I am glad I am a stay at home Momma.

Reason #1
At 9:45 in the morning my kids can play in the tub as long as they want.

Reason #2
At 9:45 in the morning I get a glimpse into their imaginations as I furtively listen in on their fun.


  1. Gregg recently considered a job that would have made it necessary for me to go back to work. I would have done it, but I didn't/don't want to. But it did make me really look at my SAHM status. It's a HUGE sacrifice for us as a family for me to stay home. From the size of the house we cram everyone into, to Gregg's hours. Sometimes I feel like I wear that sacrifice around like a chip on my shoulder... rather than thank God for the opportunities it affords. It's a priviledge to be here with my kids. To be free to get involved and minister in their school. And be availible to help Gregg with things that he can't do b/c he's at work. I sometimes think I may go out of my mind...but it's totally worth it!

  2. Thank you for the great post, Julie!!! Sometimes I feel like being a SAHM is sooo full of mundane, repetitive tasks, and I get so caught up in breaking up fights and cleaning up messes that I forget to even *notice* the sweet moments like the one you caught above. Me being a working mom would never be an option for us (who would take care of all these kids, for gosh sake??) but you have reminded me not to take for granted these sweet days I get to spend with my kids!! The chores shouldn't overshadow their childhood! :)
