There is one subject on which I want to blog, but I need permission from my hubby to talk 'publicly' about (oops, I said it!!! Sorry, it just slipped out).
I digress, now on to the main reason for this post.
Last night Sean and I went on a LONG AWAITED date.
He was thinking....Yes! A BEAUtiful night to watch baseball (we went to the Twins Sox game...way to go Twins), have a beer and burger, sit with my woman, and start a great weekend.
I'm thinking......FINALLY, a few hours alone with Sean. Time to talk about this laundry list of topics that has been escaping us for the last three weeks or so. I'm aslo thinking I hate baseball, but I truly desired to be with him and to check out the new stadium, which was amazing - oh and our seats were unreal: three rows up from the third base line.
So you can just imagine how the start of the 'date' went with Sean's expectations here and mine someplace in Uganda. One could say I caught him off guard, my bad....and by the fourth inning I decided to pull out this book that Joel Button gave Sean last Sunday while enjoying their hospitality during a BBC picnic.
The Duties of Parents by J.C. Ryle. It's a thin little book with a light green cover and a picture of a leaf on the front. I like little books. I like that I only need a couple days to get through the book and most of the time I can bring to mind the first part of the book as I finish the last part of the book, unlike the Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs that I've been trying to get through for several years....I know, I know. I need like a trip to Bora Bora to finish that one cover to cover....ah, a woman can dream!
Ryle, is very direct and to the point, which for me - one of little concentration, is a blessing. One of the points that I will mention here is the 'habit of prayer'. Here are a few quotes:
1. 'Prayer is the very life-breath of true religion. It is one of the first evidences that a man is born again.' What a great observation! I have a dear friend that sometimes finds herself in a struggle with assurance, my dear girl keep praying! Why would you pray if you weren't truly His?
2. 'Prayer is the peculiarity of all real Christians now. They pray - for they tell God their wants, their feelings, their desires, their fears; and mean what they say. The nominal Christian my repeat prayers, and good prayers too, but he goes no further.'
3. Prayer is one great secret of spiritual prosperity. When there is much private communion with God, your soul will grow like the grass after rain; when there is little, all will be at a standstill, you will barely keep your soul alive. Show me a growing Christian, a flourishing Christian and sure am I, he is one that speaks often with the Lord. He asks much, and has much.
A few things that spoke to me as I read. I will share more as I find moments of time to read through this lovely book. Be praying parents. Be praying wives. Be praying husbands. Be praying children of God.
And, our night ended quite well. By the nineth inning we were talking. On the train ride to the Mall we were talking some more. The drive home talking more, and by the time we got home, we were done talking....
Hey Julie~ I just happened upon your blog through Facebook. :) Joel Button gave us that same booklet by Ryle. It's good, timeless stuff. The best parenting help I've read in a long time!